A Celtic Holiday Tradition

Image: Christmas Lights on Regent Street, London (photo by Fiona Ritchie).

Week 51 (#2117)
Festive songs, Christmas carols, and wintertime verses conjure the magical spirit of the season.  As communities come together to mark the midwinter festivals, Fiona Ritchie debuts a community reading of her new poem: the Old Oak Tree.

Here We Come a-Caroling…by The Gothard Sisters from A Celtic Christmas (gothardsisters.com)
Children Go…by Eileen Ivers from Scatter the Light (Musical Bridge)
Christmas Song…by Dougie MacLean (Christmas Song on You Tube)
Hirour Erregereki…by Gwen Màiri from Douze Noëls (telyneg)
The Wexford Carol…by Yo-Yo Ma with Alison Krauss from from Song of Joy & Peace (Sony)
A Christmas Jig/Mouth of the Tobique Reel…by Yo-Yo Ma with Natalie MacMaster from Song of Joy & Peace (Sony)
O Come, O Come Emmanuel …by Eliza Lynn (private recording)
[ID Break] Beude Bazter…by Gwen Màiri from Douze Noëls (telyneg)
Bleary Winter…by Holly & The Reivers from Three Galleys (Holly & The Reivers)
Lully Lullay…by Nighnoise from Celtic Christmas III | (Windham Hill)
The Old Oak Tree (poem and birdsong)…by Fiona Ritchie and friends (private recording)
Sunrise at Solstice…by We Banjo 3 from A Winter Wonderful (We Banjo 3)
Ring Out , Solstice Bells…by Jethro Tull from Songs from the Wood (Chrysalis)
Winterberry Set…by The Gothard Sisters from A Celtic Christmas (gothardsisters.com)
Noël Emmanuel…by The Fire from Very Scottish Christmas (thefirescottishband.com)


Image: Yo-Yo Ma, American cellist (photo courtesy of the artist).

Week 50 (#2116)
Monochrome landscapes, wild weather and long dark nights are perfect for inspiring the songs and tunes of the season.

Snow on the Hills…by Kim Robertson from Christmas Lullaby Volume II (Gourd Music)
Long Shadows…by Maddy Prior from Ballads & Candles (Park Records)
Shenandoah…by Dean Shostak from Revolutions (Dean Shostak Music)
The Undefeated Sun…by Maddy Prior & The Carnival Band from Ringing the Changes (Park Records)
Cold Frosty Morning/Growlin’ Old Man, Growlin’ Old Woman…by Atwater.Donnelly from When Winter Calls (Rabbit Island Music)
Wild…by Atwater.Donnelly from When Winter Calls (Rabbit Island Music)
Planting in Winter…by Maggie Sansone from Cold Frosty Morn (Maggie’s Music)
[ID excerpt] The Snowy Path…by Altan from A Thistle & Shamrock Christmas Ceilidh (Green Linnet)
When the Wind Begins to Sing…by John Renbourn from Traveller’s Prayer (Shanachie)
Travellers’ Prayer…by John Renbourn with Mairead Ni Dhomhnaill and The Voice Squad from Traveller’s Prayer (Shanachie)
Improvisation on Dona Nobis Pacem (Give Us Peace)…by Yo-Yo Ma with Edgar Meyer and Chris Thile from Songs of Joy & Peace (Sony Classical)
Improvisation on Dona Nobis Pacem (Give Us Peace)…by Yo-Yo Ma with Sérgio Assad and Odair Assad from Songs of Joy & Peace (Sony Classical)
Improvisation on Dona Nobis Pacem (Give Us Peace)…by Yo-Yo Ma with Paquito d’Rivera and Alon Yavnai from Songs of Joy & Peace (Sony Classical)
Dona Nobis Pacem (Give Us Peace)/Auld Lang Syne…by Yo-Yo Ma with Chris Botti from Songs of Joy & Peace (Sony Classical)
Dona Nobis Pacem…by Jean Redpath from Still the Night (Jean Redpath Records)
The Moving Cloud…by Kipps Bay from A Thistle & Shamrock Christmas Ceilidh (Green Linnet)


Image: Canadian singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, composer, and recording artist Loreena McKenitt.

Week 49 (#2115)
Music is the gift that will keep giving through the year to come.  Host Fiona Ritchie offers some new music and seasonal favourites that will all make welcome gifts for music lovers everywhere.

Breton Carol…by Loreena McKennitt from A Midwinter Night’s Dream (Quinlan Road)
Kerry Slides…by the Chieftains from The Foxhunt - San Francisco 1973 & 1976 (Claddagh / Universal)
Blinding…by Luke Jackson from Of The Time (First Take)
The Drouthy Burn…by Dougie MacLean and Jamie MacLean from Flo (Dunkeld)
I Saw Three Ships…by John Renbourn from A Thistle & Shamrock Christmas Ceilidh (Green Linnet)
Garçon À Marier/Orgies Nocturnes/Dans Fisel…by Touchstone from A Thistle & Shamrock Christmas Ceilidh (Green Linnet)
Swannanoa…by Janis Ian from The Light at the End of the Line (Rude Girl)
[ID excerpt] The Snowy Path…by Altan from A Thistle & Shamrock Christmas Ceilidh (Green Linnet)
Bach’s Sonata No. 1 in G Minor - IV Presto…by Chris Thile from Bach Sonatas and Partitas (Nonesuch)
Petty harbourt Bait Skiff…by Ofra Harnoy from On The Rock (Analekta)
Prelude from Bach’s Cello Suite No 1 in G Major…by Chris Newman from Breaking Bach (Old Bridge Music)
The Diamond Ring…by Karen Matheson from Still Time (Compass)
Strathspeys and Reels…by Brìghde Chaimbeul, Ross Ainsley and Steven Byrnes from LAS (Great White)
Better Times Will Come…by Janis Ian from The Light at the End of the Line (Rude Girl)
Noël Nouvelet…by Loreena McKennitt from from A Midwinter Night’s Dream (Quinlan Road)

Sunset Song

Photo by Fiona Ritchie

Week 48 (#2114)
An hour of music inspired by some of our favorite books and stories, with fiddler Paul Anderson and others.

The Lake Isle of Innisfree…by Kyle Alden from Songs from Yates’ Bee-loud Glade (kylealden.com)
The Robin…by Karine Polwart from Laws of Motion (Hudson)
He Who Weeps for Beauty Gone…by Debra Salem, Kevin Mackenzie, and Paul Harrison from In A Sma Room (Debra Salem)
The Standing Stones…
Jump Up Lass (Drumdelgie)…
Chris Guthrie…
Let Tomorrow Come…
Dance of the Somme…
The Harvest of Men…
Ewan’s Ghost/Return to Blawearie…
The Flooers o’ the Forest…
… all by Paul Anderson with Shona Donaldson from Sunset Song (Aberdeen Performing Arts)
{ID excerpt] Modestine…by Savourna Stevenson from Tusitala (Eclectic)
Jekyll & Hyde…by Savourna Stevenson from Tusitala (Eclectic)
Comfort of the Hills…by Ian Bruce, Pete Clark, Ian Lowthian, Bruce MacGregor from The Land We Love (ianbrucemusic.com)
Tir Im…
Dan Barliman’s Jig…
The Man in the Moon…
Eala Earendel…
The Blood of Kings…
Evening Star…
…all by The Fellowship (with Jon Anderson) from In Elven Lands (VPCD)
The Kidnapped Reel…by Savourna Stevenson from Tusitala (Eclectic)

St. Andrews Tales and Traditions

Image: Founded by first generation sons of Ukranian immigrants, Scythian, featured on this week’s show, take to the stage at MerleFest (photo courtesy of the artists).

Week 47 (#2113)
Enjoy an hour of Scottish music - classic tracks and new releases - to mark Scotland's patron saint, shared with Greece, Ukraine, Barbados and other lands with their own traditions.

The Wishing Tree…by John McCusker from The Best of John McCusker (Under the Sky)
Cornerstone…by Karine Polwart from Laws of Motion (Hudson)
If It Plays...by Diamh from Sula (Goat Island Music)
Open the Door Softly…by Jean Redpath from Think on Me (Jean Redpath)
Three Romanian Dances…by Dumitru Farcas (Romania) from Unblocked - Music of Eastern Europe (Elipsis Arts)
Kopanitsa…by Enver Ismailovby (Ukraine) from Unblocked - Music of Eastern Europe (Elipsis Arts)
Gypsy Fiddle…by Scythian from Immigrant Road Show (scythianmusic.com)
[ID ecerpt] It’s a Girl…by John McCusker from The Best of John McCusker (Under the Sky)
Columcille…by William Jackson from Composition (Mill)
Devil…by Blazin’ Fiddles from XXV (Blazin Records)
Braes o’ Balquidder…by Christine Kydd from Shift & Change (Greentrax)
The Modest Miss France Set…by Brian McNeill from No Silence (Greentrax)
Wedding Waltzes…by Ross Ainslie from Wide Open (Great White)


Week 46 (#2112)
Artists like Brian McNeill will count at least half a dozen instruments in their personal one-man bands.  We’ll enjoy McNeill’s music, along with others who surround themselves with things stringed, and more!

The Old Man of the Mountain…by Simon Mayor from The Mandolin Albums (Acoustics)
The Big Set…by The Chair from The Road to Hammer Junkie (lovethechair.com)
For Our Lang Bidin’ Here…by Billy Jackson and Billy Ross from The Misty Mountain (Iona)
An Honourable Peace/The Drip…by William Jackson from Composition: Duan Albanach (Mill)
The Rain…by William Jackson from Composition: A Scottish Island (Mill)
Cò ni Mire Rium…by Julie Fowlis from Uam (Shoeshine)
A’ Chiad Cheum…by Julie Fowlis from Uam (Shoeshine)
Puirt…by Julie Fowlis from Mar a Tha Mo Chridhe (Machair)
Three Part Invention…by Simon Mayor from The Mandolin Albums (Acoustics)
Morning After…by Ross Ainslie from Wide Open (Great White)
When the Laverock Sang…by Brian McNeill from No Silence (Greentrax)
Broadstairs Regatta…by The Tim Edey Band featuring Brendan Power and Lucy Randall from Farrago (Gnatbite)
By the Hush…by Matthew Olwell from CyberTrad (cybertrad.com)
Dead Sea Dances…by Simon Mayor from The Mandolin Albums (Acoustics)

Now Playing

Image: Al Petteway 1952-2023, revered guitarist and Thistle favorite.
Acoustic Guitar Magazine tribute

Week 44 (#2110)
Hear some tracks from ThistleRadio, our popular online music channel, including music from The Unwanted, Rhiannon Giddens, and a dear friend of The Thistle & Shamrock, the late Al Petteway.

The Wave Sweeper…by John McSherry from Soma (Compass)
Whistle O-er the Lave O’t…by The Birnam Quartet from The Music of Burns (Shoogle)
Mirk Mirk is the Midnight Hour…by Bachué from The Butterfly (Big Bash)
Khazie/Trip to London/Cleveland Park…by Bachué from The Butterfly (Big Bash)
What Will We Do When We Have No Money?…by The Unwanted from Pay Day (Whirling Discs)
Donegal Reels…by De Dannan from Hibernian Rhapsody (Shanachie)
Weevily Wheat…by The Unwanted from Pay Day (Whirling Discs)
Bádaí na Scadán…by John McSherry from Soma (Compass)
Black is the Color…by Rhiannon Giddens from Tomorrow is My Turn (Nonesuch)
The Turning Tide…Erynn Marshall and Carl Jones from Old Tin (Dittyville Music)
O Love is Teasin’…by Rhiannon Giddens from Tomorrow is My Turn (Nonesuch)
Accokeep Shore…by Al Petteway and Amy White from Acoustic Journey (Maggie’s Music)
Wildwood Flower…by Al Petteway and Amy White from High in the Blue Ridge (Fairewood Studios)
Caledon Wood…by Al Petteway from Caledon Wood (Maggie’s Music)
The Maid of Murlough…by John McSherry from Soma (Compass)

Real Hallowe’en

Image: Lonely bothy, Scottish Highlands (photo by Gordon Ritchie, Bon Accord Camera Club)

Week 43 (#2109)
Ballads and tunes from the Celtic heart of Hallowe’en capture the genuine mystery and enchantment of the season.

Home by Bearna…by Cathie Ryan from The Music of What Happens (Shanachie)
Tolka Polka/Hanter An Dro/Welsh Fairy Dance/French Mediaeval Tune…by Bellevue Rendezvous from Tangents (bvrz.co.uk)
The Elfin Knight…by Kate Rusby from The Girl Who Couldn’t Fly (Pure)
I Sall Go Intil a Hare…by Maddie Prior from The Fabled Hare (Park)
I Shall Run and Run…by Maddie Prior from Year (Park)
King of the Fairies/The Blackbird…by Sarah McQuaid from When Two Lovers Meet (sarahmcquaid.com)
[ID excerpt] Aisling Gheal…by John McSherry from Soma (Compass)
Hion Daila Horo Ri Ho, Hion Daila Là… by Garefowl from Cliffs (Penny Fiddle)
Cas Na Caora Hiortaich O … by Garefowl from Cliffs (Penny Fiddle)
Cumha Hirteach… by Garefowl from Cliffs (Penny Fiddle)
Pink Sandals on the Street… by Garefowl from Cliffs (Penny Fiddle)
The Great Wheel/Schiehallion…by Brian McNeill and Friends from The Falkirk Music Pot (Greentrax)

Island of Peace

Week 42 (#2108)
Music inspired by the beautiful and spiritual Hebridean island of Iona with Paul Anderson and Ossian.
The Lord of the Isles…by Paul Anderson from Iona (Paul Anderson)
Pull for Iona…by Paul Anderson from Iona (Paul Anderson)
How I Long for Peace…by Peggy Seeger from First Farewell (Red Grape)
The Tomb of the Kings…by Paul Anderson from Iona (Paul Anderson)
Light of the West…by Paul Anderson from Iona (Paul Anderson)
Dove Across the Water…by Ossian from Dove Across the Water (Iona)
[ID excerpt] The Wind on the Sails…by William Jackson from A Scottish Island (Mill)
The Rain…by William Jackson from A Scottish Island (Mill)
Trilogy for Peace…by Christine Kydd from Shift and Change (Greentrax)
Iona…by William Jackson from A Scottish Island (Mill)
Isle of the Heather…by William Jackson from A Scottish Island (Mill)
Machair…by William Jackson from A Scottish Island (Mill)
Dance to the Wedding…by William Jackson from A Scottish Island (Mill)
One Grain of Sand…by Odetta from Where Have All the Flowers Gone - the Songs of Pete Seeger (Appleseed)
Fare Ye Well Iona…by Paul Anderson from Iona (Paul Anderson)

Classics Revisited

Image: Martyn Bennett (photo courtesy of BBC2 ArtWorks Scotland).

Week 41 (#2107)
The art of audio remastering can allow artists and record labels to rediscover and reimagine their back catalogs.  Hear some classic recorded gems, polished for this week’s show.

Maudabawn Chapel/The Wild Irishman/The Moher Reel…by Kevin Burke & Micheál O Domhnaill from 20th Anniversary Collection Green Linnet Records (originally on Portland) (Green Linnet)
Níl sé ina Lá…by Maighread & Tríona Ní Dhomhnaill, Dónal Lunny from Idir an Dá Sholas (Between Two Lights) (Green Linnet)
Gaeltacht…by Alan Stivell from Renaissance of the Celtic Harp (Rounder)
Sliabh Gallion Braes…by Dolores Keane, John Faulkner, Eamonn Curran from Farewell to Eirinn (Wundertüte)
The Atlantic Reels…by Brian McNeill from 20 Year Profile of Greentrax (Greentrax)
Puirt a beul…by Karen Matheson from Downriver (Compass)
Mary Kelly¹s/ Glesca Tabla/Belle¹s Fancy…by Martyn Bennett from The Piper & the Maker (Greentrax)
ID Excerpt: Suite des Montagnes…by Alan Stivell from Zoom (Keltia/Disques Dreyfus)
She is Like the Swallow…by Karan Casey from Songlines (Shanachie)
The Winding Hills…by Seamus Egan from When Juniper Sleeps (Shanachie)
Lassie Lie Near Me…by Dick Gaughan from Prentice Piece (Greentrax)
John Brennans (Silver Spire)/Drag Her Round the Road…by Matt Molloy, Paul Brady, Tommy Peoples from Matt Molloy, Paul Brady, Tommy Peoples (Mulligan)
The Sands O¹ the Shore…by Heather Heywood, Corrina Hewat, Chris Miles from Scots Women: Live From Celtic Connections 2001 (Greentrax)
Molindinar…by William Jackson from The Wellpark Suite (Iona)
Blair Atholl/The Cairdin o¹t/Lexy McAskill…by Kevin Burke, Johnny Cunningham, Christian Lemaitre from The Celtic Fiddle Festival (Green Linnet)

Fall Compilation

Image: Hò Rò (photo courtesy of the artists).

Week 40 (#2106)
Hear more new music from an assortment of artists featured on recent New Releases and Debuts shows.

Honeycomb…by Luke Jackson from Journals (First Take)
Mary and the Soldier…by Andy Irvine and Paul Brady from Andy Irvine and Paul Brady (Mulligan)
The Dirty Bee…by Arise and Go from Meeting Place (tradblast.com)
Beinn A’ Cheathaich…by Hò Rò from New Moon (musichoro.com)
Little Bird…by Hò Rò from New Moon (musichoro.com)
The Long Black Veil…by Hò Rò from New Moon (musichoro.com)
{ID excerpt] Lament for Oliver Goldsmith…by Andy Martyn from Will We give it a Go? (Andy Martyn)
Eubonia Soilshagh…by Ruth Keggin and Rachel Hair from Lossan (March Hair)
Imogene’s Waltz/Petie Mack’s/The Black and Amber…by John Doyle and Mick McAuley from John Doyle and Mick McAuley (Doyle & McAuley)
Bay of Biscay…by John Doyle and Mick McAuley from John Doyle and Mick McAuley (Doyle & McAuley)
Eileen Óg…by Téada from Coiscéim Coiligh (Gael Linn)
Something Understood…by Andy Martyn from Will We give it a Go? (Andy Martyn)
Sampled…by Kyle Warren from Relentless (Greentrax)

Makers and Players

Image: Comedian, musician, raconteur Sir Billy Connolly (photo courtesy of the Scottish Traditional Music Hall of Fame).

Week 39 (#2105)
Luthiers, flute and pipe makers, and other specialists build the instruments create the distinctive sounds of Celtic music.  We hear the makers’ music from Fin and Hamish Moore, Rod Cameron, and more.

Full Moon…by Ross Ainslie and Jarlath Henderson from Air-Fix (Great White Records)
The Piper and The Maker…by Mairi Campbell and Hamish Moore from The Piper & The Maker (Greentrax)
Jimmy ‘n’ Jigs…by Fin Moore and Sarah Hoy from The Piper & The Maker II (Funart)
Banjo Reel…by Billy Connolly from Billy Connolly’s Musical Tour of New Zealand (Pure)
Pokarekare ana…by Billy Connolly from Billy Connolly’s Musical Tour of New Zealand (Pure)
Katie Cruel…by Peggy Seeger from Five Classic Albums Plus EPs (Real Gone)
Soldier’s Joy/Shady Grove/Georgia Buck…by Peggy Seeger from Five Classic Albums Plus EPs (Real Gone)
[ID excerpt] Little Bird, Little Bird, Go Through My Window…by Peggy Seeger from Five Classic Albums Plus EPs (Real Gone)
Father Michael MacDonald’s Silver Jubilee Set…by Iain MacDonald and Malcolm Stitt from The Piper & The Maker (Greentrax)
Halloween…by Steve Byrne from The Piper & The Maker II (Funart)
Mary Kelly’s Set…by Martyn Bennett from The Piper & The Maker (Greentrax)
Clarke Saunders…by Jock Tamson’s Bairns from Jock Tamson’s Bairns (Greentrax)
Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog…by Chris Norman from Let Me In This Ae Night (Boxwood)
Aldivalloch…by Chris Norman from The Flower of Port Williams (Dorian)

Ones and Twos

Image: Singer and guitarist Liz Simmons (photo courtesy of the artist at https://lizsimmons.net).

Week 37 (#2103)
Enjoy the clarity of solo artists and duos this week and hear them also at the heart of multi-instrumental arrangements, with artists Aaron O’Hagan & Luke Ward, Liz Simmons, and Megan Henderson.

Brady’s Set…by Arty McGlynn & Nollaig Casey from Lead the Knave (Ringsend Road)
Planxty Hewlett…by Steve Baughman from Once Upon a Harp (CelticGuitar.com)
The False Lady…by Karan Casey and John Doyle from Exile’s Return (Compass)
The Morning Dew and the Morning Star…by John Doyle from Everything Comes Early (Shanachie)
Adventurer…by Liz Simmons from Poets (lizsimmons.net)
Ascending…by Megan Henderson from Pilgrim Souls (meganhendersonmusic.com)
[ID excerpt] Micho Russell’s…by Arty McGlynn & Nollaig Casey from Lead the Knave (Ringsend Road)
O’Mahoney’s/The Graf Spee…by Aaron O’Hagan & Luke Ward from From the Devil’s Punchbowl (UPBZ)
Home From the Storm…by Liz Simmons from Poets (lizsimmons.net)
Moonlight Over Muckross…by Aaron O’Hagan & Luke Ward from From the Devil’s Punchbowl (UPBZ)
Wildwood Flower…by Al Petteway and Amy White from High in the Blue Ridge (Fairewood Studios)
DADGAD Cafe/Hymn 11…by Pierre Bensusan from Encore (DADGAD Music)
The Cuckoo’s Nest/Reel de Vaudreuil…by Anadama from Way Back When (AnadamaMusic.com)

Nearly New

Image: Orkney band The Chair featured on this week’s show (the artists).

Week 35 (2101)
It is always good to re-visit artists from New Releases shows whose music is well deserving of more airtime.

The Blue Lamp…by The Chair from Orkney Monster (The Chair)
Shiver Me Timbers…by The Chair from Orkney Monster (The Chair)
Myrstacken…by The Nordic Fiddlers Bloc from Bonfrost (ffuk.no)
Limerick Rake…by Antoni O’Breskey & Ronnie Drew from From Dublin to Bilbao (nomadicpiano.com)
As I Roved Out…by Antoni O’Breskey & Ronnie Drew from From Dublin to Bilbao (nomadicpiano.com)
Nomadic Aura…by Antoni O’Breskey from Samara (nomadicpiano.com)
[ID excerpt] Margaret Davidson…by The Chair from Orkney Monster (The Chair)
The Bonnie Wee Lassie’s Answer…by Dougie Mackenzie with Brian Miller from Along the Way (Greentrax)
Fletch Taylor/Marcel Aucoin/Matthew Robinson’s…by Katie McNally Trio from Now More Than Ever (katiemcnally.com)
Summer Sun…by Shetland Musicians from Between Islands (An Lanntair)
Whal’s Rost/Colin Scott Mackenzie of Stornoway/PM Donald Maclean of Lewis/The Lost Summer…by Neil Johnstone and Louise Bichen from Between Islands (An Lanntair)
The Fadachd Orm Fhìn…by Kris Drever and Linda MacLeod from Between Islands (An Lanntair)
Festival Reels…by The Chair from Orkney Monster (The Chair)

Summer Songs

Week 34 (#2100)
Celebrate the summer and the green earth in music that celebrates the long hours of sunshine in northern places.

A United Earth I…by Alan Stivell with Youssou N’Dour from Dublin to Dakar (Putumayo)
The Shores of Loch Ghamhna/Aolbhneas Ellis Ui Cheallaigh…by Deiseal from The Long Long Note (Starc)
Swimming Song…by Maddy Prior from Year (Park Records) 
Water Music…by Pierre Bensusan from Musiques (Windham Hill) 
Daire’s Dream…by Davy Spillane from Atlantic Bridge (Tara Music) 
California….by Eddi Reader from Angels & Electricity (Warner Music) 
At The Races…by Nightnoise from The White Horse Sessions (Windham Hill)
[ID Excerpt] Baka…by Outback from Baka (Hannibal Records)
The Pearl Wedding Reel/Country Girl & the Hungarian Fiddler…by Old Blind Dogs from Fit? (Green Linnet) 
Land of Light…by William Jackson from Land of Light (Mill Records) 
Moondance…by Nightnoise from The White Horse Sessions (Windham Hill)
A Costa de Galicia…by Sharon Shannon & Friends from The Diamond Mountain Sessions (Grapevine) 
Marabilla…by Skyedance from Live in Spain (Culburnie) 
Two Fifty to Vigo…by Shooglenifty from Venus in Tweeds (Greentrax)

Radio Days

Image: Welsh musician, author and broadcaster Cerys Matthews i(also Vice President of the housing and homelessness charity Shelter Wales).

Week 33 (#2099)
Although radio has its own national celebration day (Aug 20th), every week on Thistle we celebrate the medium that connects us. This week, we feature music from radio broadcasters and artists who have a home on public radio.

Balfour Road/The Weatherman…by Kinnaris Quintet from Free One (kinnarisquintet.bandcamp.com)
Dancing on the Wireless…by The Shee from A Different Season (theshee.com)
The Old Songs…by Eamon Friel from Atlantic Light (Thran)
Tra Bo Dau…by Cerys Matthews from Hullabaloo (Rainbow)
Roly Gentle/Hot Rivets/Tartar Frigate/Closed Face Reel…by Kathryn Tickell from The Best of Kathryn Tickell (Park)
The Ballad Tree (theme)…by Cerys Matthews from Hullabaloo (Rainbow)
[ID excerpt] Hypnotica…by Sultans of String from Refuge (sultansofstring.com)
Mary MacDonald/Auld Stewarts of Fothergill/Clydesdale Lasses…by Bruce MacGregor from Kissin’ is the Best of A’ (Brechin All Records)
This is the News…by Christine Kydd from Shift and Change (christinekydd.com)
Radio Edit…by Sgoil Chiùil na Gàidhealtachd from The Final Trawl (Sgoil Chiùil na Gàidhealtachd)
Lord of the May…by Archie Fisher from A Silent Song (Red House)
Voice on the Airwaves/Ian Charles Hodgson of Balmore…by Pete Clark from Now & Then (musicinscotland.com)
La Tarara…by Cerys Matthews from Explorer (cerysmatthews.co.uk)
The Wee Dollop/The Houseboat…by Liz Carroll from Liz Carroll (Green Linnet)
Weather Update…by Sultans of String from Refuge (sultansofstring.com)

Roots and Branches

Image: We Banjo 3 (photo courtesy of the artists).

Week 32 (#2098)
Explore the evolving sounds that contribute to a new Celtic music.

Wynne’s…by We Banjo 3 from Roots to Rise Live (webanjo3.com)
The Man Who Sold New York…by Finlay Napier from VIP Very Interesting Persons (Cheerygroove)
Into the Perfect Night…by Cerys Matthews from Explorer (Tigeregg)
Gonna Write Me a Letter…by We Banjo 3 from Roots of the Banjo Tree (webanjo3.com)
John Brown/The Lost Indian/SailAway Ladies…by We Banjo 3 from Roots of the Banjo Tree (webanjo3.com)
Labour Song by Solas (featuring Dick Gaughan) from Shamrock City (THL)
[ID excerpt] Air Tune…by We Banjo 3 from Roots of the Banjo Tree (webanjo3.com)
Lettre à Durham…by Le Vent du Nord from Tromper Le Temps (Borealis)
La Tarara…by Cerys Matthews from Explorer (Tigeregg)
Jesusita En Chihuahua…by Kevin Burke from Made in Sligo (Loftus)
An Droichead (The Bridge)…by Liam O’Flynn from The Piper’s Call (Tara)
Morning Wings…by Davy Spillane from Pipedreams (Tara)
Clans…by Ross Ainslie from Wide Open (Great White)
Timeless…by Moya Brennan and Cormac de Barra from Timeless (Beo)

Mando Banjo

Week 30 (#2096)
Hear how mandolin and banjo, instruments from Italian and West African origins, are also perfectly suited to today’s Celtic melodies, with Chris Thile, Rhiannon Giddens, Simon Mayor, and Mary Z. Cox.

The Wind that Shakes the Barley/The Sailor on the Rock…by Gerry O’Connor from Time to Time (Mulligan)
The Bonny Irish Boy…by The Greenfields of America from The Greenfields of America (Compass)
Fahey’s #25/Molly on the Shore/Bonnie Anne…by The Greenfields of America from The Greenfields of America (Compass)
Red Paddy on the Ridge…Jigjam from Phoenix (jigjam.ie)
Two Breton Tunes: Eliz Iza/Dérobée de Guingamp…by Simon Mayor from New Celtic Mandolin (Acoustics)
Little Margaret…by Rhiannon Giddens and Francesco Turrisi from There is No Other (Nonesuch)
[ID excerpt] Funk the Cajun Blues…by Gerry O’Connor from Time to Time (Mulligan)
George V’s Army/Mr. Murray’s Strathspey/The Marquis of Huntly/Prince Edwards Island Wedding Reel…by Ken Perlman from Frails & Frolics (Redbud)
Wayfaring Stranger…by Rhiannon Giddens and Francesco Turrisi from There is No Other (Nonesuch)
Campbell’s Farewell to Red Gap…by Mary Z. Cox from Drumming on the Edge of Banjo (maryzcox.com)
Song for a Young Queen…by Chris Thile from Not All Who Wander Are Lost (Sugar Hill)
Here and Heaven…by Yo-Yo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer, and Chris Thile from The Goat Rodeo Sessions (Sony Music Entertainment)
The Crows of Killimer/Box Reel #2/Boys of Malin/The Opera House…by Solas from (Compass)

Left Field

Image: Irish singer songwriter Luka Bloom, featured on this week’s show (photo courtesy of the artist).

Week 30 (#2096)
We feature some unique tracks from Celtic roots, including some fresh takes on pop and rock classics. Alison Brown, Luka Bloom, Moya Brennan, and Martyn Bennett all make their mark on an unforgettable playlist.

O Love is Teasin'...by Rhiannon Giddens from Tomorrow is My Turn (Nonesuch)     
Hibernian Rhapsody...by De Dannan from Hibernian Rhapsody (Shanachie)  
Miracle of Being...by Capercaillie from Dusk Till Dawn (Survival) 
Little Sadie...by John Doyle from Wayward Son (Compass) 
Time After Time...by Alison Brown from The Song of the Banjo (Compass)    
I Say a Little Prayer...by Mary Black from No Frontiers (Gift Horse)
[ID excerpt] Eddie Kelly's...by John Doyle from Wayward Son (Compass) 
Gentle On My Mind...by Luka Bloom from Head and Heart (Compass) 
Reel Around the Sun...by Brendan Power from Brendan Power Plays the Music of Riverdance (Greentrax)  
Ain't No Sunshine...by Sileas from Play On Light (Greentrax) 
Love Comes Quietly...by Simon Thoumire and David Milligan from The Big Day In (Foot Stompin)
Sailing...by Moya Brennan and Cormac de Barra from Affinity (Beo)
Shputnik In Glenshiel...by Martyn Bennett from Bothy Culture (Ryko)

More New Sounds for Summer

Image: Low Lily featured on this week’s show (photo courtesy of the artists).

Week 29 (#2095)
Fiona Ritchie delves into more music recently discovered, and re-discovered.

Caramelo...by Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy (feat. Josemi Carmona) from Canvas (DLL Music)
The Fall of Christania...by Global Trad Underground from Gypsyland (myspace.com/globaltradunderground)
Bay of Biscay...by John Doyle & Mick McAuley from John Doyle & Mick McAuley (johndoylemickmcAuley.com)
Choo Choo...by Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy from Canvas (DLL Music)
The Lord of the Isles...by Paul Anderson from Iona (Fingal)
Composition (poem)...by Francey Devine with Paul Anderson from Iona (Fingal)
The Corn Crake...by Paul Anderson from Iona (Fingal)
Les Dames du Si bémol/Il est Plus Temps...by The Gaulway Ramblers from The Gaulway Ramblers (The Gaulway Ramblers)
[ID excerpt] Bastard Plantagenet Blues...by Low Lily from Angels in the Wreckage (lowlily.com)
One Wild World...by Low Lily from Angels in the Wreckage (lowlily.com)
Tom Toi's Polka/Battle of Aughrim/Harper's Frolics...by Rachel Hair & Ron Jappy from Élan (rachelhair.com)
Voila Le Printemps...by Mary Beth Carty from Crossing the Causeway (Mary Beth Carty)
Wildflowers...by Ed Sheeran from Subtract (Asylum)
Finally...by Natalie & Brittany Haas from Haas (Padiddle)
Alone Together/The Roustabout/The Murmuration/Sharpen the Scythe...by John Doyle & Mick McAuley from John Doyle & Mick McAuley (johndoylemickmcAuley.com)