Real Hallowe’en

Image: Lonely bothy, Scottish Highlands (photo by Gordon Ritchie, Bon Accord Camera Club)

Week 43 (#2109)
Ballads and tunes from the Celtic heart of Hallowe’en capture the genuine mystery and enchantment of the season.

Home by Bearna…by Cathie Ryan from The Music of What Happens (Shanachie)
Tolka Polka/Hanter An Dro/Welsh Fairy Dance/French Mediaeval Tune…by Bellevue Rendezvous from Tangents (
The Elfin Knight…by Kate Rusby from The Girl Who Couldn’t Fly (Pure)
I Sall Go Intil a Hare…by Maddie Prior from The Fabled Hare (Park)
I Shall Run and Run…by Maddie Prior from Year (Park)
King of the Fairies/The Blackbird…by Sarah McQuaid from When Two Lovers Meet (
[ID excerpt] Aisling Gheal…by John McSherry from Soma (Compass)
Hion Daila Horo Ri Ho, Hion Daila Là… by Garefowl from Cliffs (Penny Fiddle)
Cas Na Caora Hiortaich O … by Garefowl from Cliffs (Penny Fiddle)
Cumha Hirteach… by Garefowl from Cliffs (Penny Fiddle)
Pink Sandals on the Street… by Garefowl from Cliffs (Penny Fiddle)
The Great Wheel/Schiehallion…by Brian McNeill and Friends from The Falkirk Music Pot (Greentrax)