Songs of the Bard

Week 4 January 23 (#1913)
Hear the timeless songs of Robert Burns given a contemporary treatment by today’s artists with whom their popularity endures.

Willie Stewart/Molly Eddi Reader from Sings the Songs of Robert Burns (Compass)
Wee Willie Tony Cuffe and Rod Paterson from The Complete Songs of Robert Burns, Vol 1 (Linn)
Logan John Cunningham from Fair Warning (Green Linnet)
Logan Janet Russell and Christine Kydd from Dancin' Chantin' (Greentrax)
Gala Old Blind Dogs from New Tricks (Lochshore)
Ca' the Sileas from Beating Harps (Green Linnet)
Rattlin' Roarin' George Duff from The Collier Laddie (Beag)
[ID excerpt from Variations on 'The Lea Rig" David Johnson with Bonnie Rideout from The Art of Robert Burns (Scotstown Music)
Tae the Janet Russel and Christine Kydd from Russell & Kydd (Greentrax)
Slave's Chantan from Primary Colours (Culburnie)
Corn Ossian from Seal Song (Iona)
Banks and Dougie MacLean from Tribute (Dunkeld)
The Highland David Johnson with Bonnie Rideout from The Art of Robert Burns (Scotstown Music)
Auld Lang The Tannahill Weavers from The best of The Tannahill Weavers 1979-1989 (Green Linnet) Natalie MacMaster from Cape Breton Girl (eOne Music)


Week 3 January 16 (#1912)
Monochrome landscapes, weather and long dark nights are perfect for making us yearn for the songs and tunes that keep us warm through the season.

Sult Theme…by Sult from Sult: Spirit of the Music (Hummingbird Records) 
Tine Gheal…by Anam from Tine Gheal/Bright Fire (Linn Records)
Double Knuckle Shuffle…by Kila from Tog E Go Bog E (Green Linnet) 
Ain’t No Sunshine/The Flawless Juggler…by Sileas from Play On Light (Greentrax)   
The Lonesome Scenes of Winter…by Cara Dillon from Cara Dillon (Rough Trade) 
Melodie Gavotte/Ton A-Boz Gavotenn…by Karma from Nozata (Coop Breizh)   
Les Dolois…by Bleizi Ruz from Hent Sant Jakez (Shamrock)
ID Excerpt: Tango to Evora…by Loreena McKennitt from The Visit (Warner Bros) 
Salsa Celtica…by Salsa Celtica from Monstruos Y Demonios-Angels and Lovers (Eclectic)   
Isn’t It A Little Late…by Eleanor McEvoy from Yola (Blue Dandelion) 
The Barachois…by Chris Armstrong from Quantum Leap (Lochshore)   
Suite of Mountain Songs…by Asturiana Mining Company from Patrimoniu (Lochshore) 
England 2 Colombia O…by Kirsty MacColl from Tropical Brainstorm (Instinct) 
Ra-Li-O…by Baka Beyond from East to West (Narada Media) 
The Farewell…by Natalie MacMaster from Live (Greentrax)

The Gathering: Song Connections

Week 2 January 9 (#1911)
Join Fiona Ritchie at the Swannanoa Gathering’s Traditional Song Week with her guests Appalachian balladeer Elizabeth LaPrelle and Irish singer and flute player Nuala Kennedy. Together they explore the connections between songs of love, loss and migration that connect Scotland, Ireland and Appalachia.

Footsteps/Julian and Iwona' Nuala Kennedy from Tune In (Compass)
Five Mile Nuala Kennedy from Tune In (Compass)
Óró mo bháidín (excerpt) Nuala Kennedy - sung live at the Swanannoa Gathering
Bobby Shaftoe (excerpt) Elizabeth LaPrelle - sung live at the Swanannoa Gathering
Black is the Colour (excerpt) Elizabeth LaPrelle - sung live at the Swanannoa Gathering
Cha Tig Mò Nuala Kennedy - sung live at the Swanannoa Gathering
The Three Little Babes (The Wife of Usher's Well) Elizabeth LaPrelle - sung live at the Swanannoa Gathering
[ID excerpt] Ida Anna Roberts-Gevalt & Elizabeth LaPrelle from Anna & Elizabeth (Free Dirt)
Troubles (excerpt) Anna Roberts-Gevalt & Elizabeth LaPrelle from Anna & Elizabeth (Free Dirt)
Awake, Awake You Drowsy Sleeper (excerpt) Elizabeth LaPrelle - sung live at the Swanannoa Gathering
Night Visiting Song (excerpt) by Nuala Kennedy - sung live at the Swanannoa Gathering
Sally Sits Nuala Kennedy and Elizabeth LaPrelle - sung live at the Swanannoa Gathering
Five Mile Nuala Kennedy from Tune In (Compass)

Ring In The New

Week 1 January 02 (#1910)
Hear what’s caught our ear as we step into another year of exciting new music from Celtic roots.

An Long È Brian ÓhEadhra and Fiona Mackenzie from Tìr (Anam)
Scarlet Birichen from Hush (
James Brown's Ceilidh...Sgoil Chiùil na Gàidhealtacht from Hooked! (
Letter to John McCutcheon from To Everyone in All the World (
Waist Deep in the Big John McCutcheon from To Everyone in All the World (
Ffarwel I Dai'r Yr Hwntws from Y Tribanwr (Sain)
Broliant Ar Log from Saith VII (Sain)
[ID excerpt] Lord Dan Gurney from Ignorance is Bliss ( )
Spoken intro to Tuttle's Kevin Burke from An Evening with Kevin Burke (Loftus Music)
Clare Reel Kevin Burke from An Evening with Kevin Burke (Loftus Music)
Wild Rippling Ed Miller and Rich Brotherton from Follow the Music (
Spoken memories of Johnny Kevin Burke from An Evening with Kevin Burke (Loftus Music)
Dion Reel Kevin Burke from An Evening with Kevin Burke (Loftus Music)
Smile in Your Birichin from Hush (
The Last Set...Sgoil Chiuil na Gaidhealtacht from Hooked! (

On the Threshold

Week 52 Dec 26th (#1909)
Welcome in the New Year with an hour of hand-picked music from Celtic roots.

Stone Coleen Raney from Standing in Doorways (Little Sea Records) 
Mr. John Gow's Delight/The Laird of Franklin Elizabeth and Ben Anderson from Over the Isles ( 
Josie and Òran Bragaidh from Òran Bagraidh (oranbagraidh) 
Ardchattan Òran Bragaidh from Òran Bagraidh (oranbagraidh) 
A Sligo Air/Gladstone's Garadice from Garadice (garadicemusic)  
The Wild Garadice from Garadice (
Keep it Up/The Cloone Reel/The Old Schoolmaster/The Missing Garadice from Garadice ( 
[ID excerpt] Breton Laridé Chad McAnally from Chasing the Winter Sun (New Folk Records) 
 Miss Johnson/The Mountain Road/The Heather Breeze/The Boy in the Jimmy Power from Go Home and Have Your Dinner (Favourite Records)
Cân Lleuwen from Gwn Glân Beibl Budr (Sain) Steve Baughman from Shootout at Convict Lake ( 
Fine Coleen Raney from Standing in Doorways (Little Sea Records) 
Pretty Little The Crooked Jades from Empathy Moves the Water ( 
Going Across the The Crooked Jades from Empathy Moves the Water  ( Elizabeth and Ben Anderson from Over the Isles (

A Celtic Holiday Tradition

Week 51 Dec 19th (#1908)
Join Fiona Ritchie for a celebration of Christmas and the traditions of midwinter through festive songs, carols and the magical music of the season.

Winter Song…by Emily Smith from Songs for Christmas (White Fall)
The Wexford Carol…by Ashley Davis with John Doyle from The Christmas Sessions (Daisy Rings Music)
Apples in Winter/Frost is All Over…by Hanz Araki and Kathryn Claire from A Winter Solstice Celebration (
Christ Child Lullaby…by Immigrant’s Daughter with Rhiannon Giddens from The Winter Moon (
Heard from Heaven Today…by Emily Smith from Songs for Christmas (White Fall)
Joy to the World…by Steve Schuch & The Night Heron from Celtic Christmas (Putumayo)
Light the Winter Dark…by Jennifer Cutting’s Ocean Orchestra from Song of Solstice (SunSign)
[ID excerpt] Voici La Noel…by Jennifer Cutting from Song of Solstice (SunSign)
Time to Remember the Poor…by Jennifer Cutting’s Ocean Orchestra from Song of Solstice (SunSign)
Cold Frosty Morning/Growling’ Old Man, Growlin’ Old Woman…by Atwater.Donnelly from When Winter Calls (Rabbit Island Music)
Noel Nouvelet…by Druid Stone from Celtic Christmas (Putumayo)
Merry Christmas to All and Goodnight…by Ashley Davis with John Doyle from The Christmas Sessions (Daisy Rings Music)
Ring Out Wild Bells…by Hanz Araki and Kathryn Claire with Finn MacGinty from A Winter Solstice Celebration (
The Blessings of Mary…by Emily Smith from Songs for Christmas (White Fall)
Strip the Willow Set…by Cassie and Maggie from The Willow Collection (cassieandmaggiecom)


Illustration by Amy Bogard

Week 50 Dec 12th (#1907)
Fiona offers up musical gift choices from some the many albums featured this year, including releases from Dervish, Dick Gaughan, and Christine Kydd.

Pois que dos Reys Nostro Sennor…by Andrew Finn Magill from Christmas Carols for Violin & Guitar (
The Rambling Irishman…by Dervish from The Great Irish Songbook (Rounder)
Molly Malone…by Dervish (feat. Imelda May) from The Great Irish Songbook (Rounder)
The Parting Glass…by Dervish (feat. Abigail Washburn) from The Great Irish Songbook (Rounder)
Erin Go Bragh…by Dick Gaughan from The Harvard Tapes (Greentrax)
Glenlogie…by Dick Gaughan from The Harvard Tapes (Greentrax)
[ID excerpt] Il est Né …by Andrew Finn Magill from Christmas Carols for Violin & Guitar (
Shift and Change…by Christine Kydd from Shift & Change (Greentrax)
Blue Murder…by Christine Kydd from Shift & Change (Greentrax)
The Wild Geese/Norland Wind…by Christine Kydd from Shift & Change (Greentrax)
Christmas Day is Come…by Catríona O’Leary from The Wexford Carols (Heresy)
The Darkest Midnight in December…by Catríona O’Leary from The Wexford Carols (Heresy)
An Angel This Bright Midnight…by Catríona O’Leary from The Wexford Carols (Heresy)
Quelle est c’est Odeur Agréable?…by Andrew Finn Magill from Christmas Carols for Violin & Guitar (

Fall Compilation 2

Week 49 Dec 5th (#1906)
Hear an assortment of artists from our New Releases shows whose music is well deserving of airtime.

Bowmore Rant/For The Love of Peat…by Scott Euan Freeman from Islay (Ouibache)
The Arboretum…by Bill Jones from Wonderful Fairytale (Brickwall Music)
The Bassline Reel…by Lilly, Ed an Neil Pearlman from HST (Paddledoo)
The Cold Susquehanna…by Bill Jones from Wonderful Fairytale (Brickwall Music)
A Song & Jig For Good Measure…by Hilary James from English Sketches (Acoustics)
The Cocks Are Crowing…by Gatehouse from Heather Down The Moor (Gael Linn)
On The Edge…by Gatehouse from Heather Down The Moor (Gael Linn)
[ID Break] Zhaokang Village…by Jeremy Moyer from Chinese Bicycle Stories (
Heavenly Voices…by Lorraine Jordan from Send My Soul (Hazellville Music)
The Glen Where the Deer is Imaginary…by Pons Aelius from Fire Under the Bridge (
I Need Us Together…by Lissa Schneckenburger by Thunder In My Arms (Footprint)
Railroad…by Sara Grey & Kieron Means from Better Days a Comin’ (Wild Goose)
Kildalton Cross…by Scott Euan Freeman from Islay (Ouibache)
Blackberry Blossom…by The Brothers Gillespie from The Fell (
Horrible Creatures and One Dead Cat…by The Sandy Brechin Trio from Polecats and Dead Cats (Brechin All)

New Writing

Week 48 Nov 28th (#1905)
This week, we feature an hour of recent compositions, including festival commissions and soundtracks from such artists as Gillian Frame, Michael Rooney, The Macalla Orchestra, John Doyle and John McCusker.

Spleodar Michael Rooney and The Macalla Orchestra from The Macalla Suite (Draioicht Music)
The World's Jim and Susie Malcolm from Spring Will Follow On (Beltane)
The Wishing John Doyle, John McCusker, Mike McGoldrick from The Wishing Tree (Under One Sky)
Sprig of Heidi Talbot and John McCusker from Love is the Bridge Between Two Hearts (Under One Sky)
Pan O'n I'n Blodau Gwylltion from LLifo Fel Oed (Sain)
Universal Hall/ Spider's Legs/Mick's Knitted Gillian Frame from Pendulum (Cheery Groove)
Rothes Gillian Frame from Pendulum (Cheery Groove)
[ID excerpt] John Doyle, John McCusker, Mike McGoldrick from The Wishing Tree (Under One Sky)
Lament for Raymond Smyth from Lament for 1916 (
The 1916 Centenary Raymond Smyth from Lament for 1916 (
A Clash of Michael Rooney and The Macalla Orchestra from The Macalla Suite (Draioicht Music)
The Michael Rooney and The Macalla Orchestra from The Macalla Suite (Draioicht Music)
The Michael Rooney and The Macalla Orchestra from The Macalla Suite (Draioicht Music)

These Are The Hands

Week 47 Nov 21st (#1904)
Internationally acclaimed author Alexander McCall Smith collaborated with award-winning composer James Ross to create These Are The Hands, a song cycle exploring Scotland’s relationship with the sea and the land. They met with Fiona Ritchie to chat about the process of bringing together the lyrics (McCall Smith) and the piano arrangements (Ross), with vocals from singers Michelle Burke and Kathleen MacInnes, and other contributors.

The Waves Bear the Saints…by Alexander McCall Smith and James Ross from These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
You Are Far Away (excerpt)…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Spaghetti Panic Set (excerpt)…by James Ross from James Ross (Greentrax)
Silver Darlings…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
The Vikings Sing Their Tribute…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Miner’s Hymn…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Miner…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
[ID Excerpt] The Hurricane)…by James Ross from James Ross (Greentrax)
The Great Michael…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Built on the Clyde…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Corvette Returning…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Cutty Sark…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Forth Bridges…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)

At The Edge

photo: Solas

Week 46 Nov 14th (#1903)
This week we explore he evolving sounds of Celtic music inspired by jazz and classical music, with artists including Solas, Kila and Shooglenifty.

The Ploughman…by Solas from Waiting for An Echo (Shanachie)
The Reel…by Secret Garden from Earthsongs (Decca)
Maire Mhilis Bhrea…by Solas from Another Day (Shanachie)
Miss You…by Winifred Horan from Just One Wish (Shanachie)
Craigie Hills…by Scrûj MacDuhk from the Road to Canso (Scruj Tunes)
A Thousand Roads/The Road to Canso/Hare o’ the Dug…by Scrûj MacDuhk from The Road to Canso (Scruj Tunes)
ID Excerpt: The Napier Stride…by John Rae from Celtic Feet (Caber)
Westlin Winds…by Robin Bullock from The Enchanted Woods (Dancing Wolf)
The Grand Hotel/Mary Kelly’s Hatchet…by Kila from Luna Park (Kila)
Atlantic/ Kresal Eta Laino (Celtic Progression)…by Antoni O’Breskey from Mezulari (O’Music)
Who Will Raise Their Voice? Capercaillie from Choice Language (Vertical)
Scraping the Barrel…by Shooglenifty from Live Radical Mestizo (Compass)
MacAlgo…by John Rae from Celtic Feet (Caber)


photo: Bert Jansch by Claudia Kunin

Week 44 Oct 31st (#1901)

Explore the craft of songwriters this week, and the landscapes that inspire their music.
Vanity's Aine Furey from Celtic Woman 2 (Celtic Woman Records)
The Mermaid of Emily Smith from Too Long Away (Shoeshine Records)
Glint of Eddie and Luc from Tirade (EdLucCD) Bert Jansch from Jack Orion (Transatlantic Records)
As the Day Grows Longer Bert Jansch from Sketches (Temple)
The Fairy Ailie Robertson from Little Lights (Lorimer Records)
[ID excerpt] Ellen’s Battlefield Band from Beg & Borrow (Temple)
All the Fun of the Eamon Friel from Phone Tapping (Thran Records)
Gnossienne Tony McManus from Mysterious Boundaries (Greentrax)
King of Karine Polwart from Traces (Borealis) Dougie MacLean from Essential Too (Dunkeld)
The Japanese Hanz Araki and Kathryn Claire from The Emigrant's Song (Celtic Conspiracy)
Both Sides the Dick Gaughan from Favourite Scottish Songs (Greentrax)
Sporan Dhomhnaill/Mist on the Glen/Miss Battlefield Band from Beg & Borrow (Temple)

Myth and Legend

Week 43 Oct 24th (#1900)

Ballads and tunes of Celtic origin and inspiration capture the mystery and enchantment of the Hallowe’en season.
Macedonian Woman’s Peatbog Faeries from The Future Sound of Gaeldom (Survival)
Stolen Child…by Loreena McKennitt from Troubadours on the Rhine (Quinlan Road)
Between the Shadows…by Loreena McKennitt from Troubadours on the Rhine (Quinlan Road)
Baisteadh Breith…by Maggie MacInnes from Òran Na Mna (Marram)
The Burial…by Dougie Maclean from Muir of Gormack (Dunkeld)
Hallowe’en…by Christine Kydd from Shift & Change (Greentrax)
The Mermaid…by Anúna from Omnis (Celtic Heartbeat)
[ID excerpt] The Old Ways…by Loreena McKennitt from The Visit (Quinlan Road)
The Exorcists…by Skerryvore from Evo (Tyree)
Bedlam Boys…by Heidi Talbot from My Sister the Moon (Under One Sky)
Ys…by Alan Stivell from 70/95 Zoom (Disques Dreyfus)
The Fairy Dance…by Natalie MacMaster from Live (Greentrax)

Fiona's Findings

Week 42 Oct 17th (#1899)
We feature some unique tracks from Celtic roots, including an Irish traditional version of “Bohemian (Hibernian) Rhapsody” by De Dannan.
O Love is Teasin' Rhiannon Giddens from Tomorrow is My Turn (Nonesuch)
Hibernian De Dannan from Hibernian Rhapsody (Shanachie)
Miracle of Capercaillie from Dusk Till Dawn (Survival)
Little John Doyle from Wayward Son (Compass)
Time After Alison Brown from The Song of the Banjo (Compass)
I Say a Little Mary Black from No Frontiers (Gift Horse)
ID excerpt] Eddie Kelly' John Doyle from Wayward Son (Compass)
Gentle On My Luka Bloom from Head and Heart (Compass)
Reel Around the Brendan Power from Brendan Power Plays the Music of Riverdance (Greentrax)
Ain't No Sileas from Play On Light (Greentrax)
Love Comes Simon Thoumire and David Milligan from The Big Day In (Foot Stompin) Moya Brennan and Cormac de Barra from Affinity (Beo)
Shputnik In Martyn Bennett from Bothy Culture (Ryko)

Fall Compilation 1

Week 41 Oct 10th (#1898)
Hear an assortment of artists from our New Releases shows whose music is well deserving of more airtime.
The Month of Altan from The Gap of Dreams (Compass)
Johnny Doherty' Andy Irvine, Donal Lunny, Paddy Glackin, Mick McGoldrick, John Doyle from Usher's Island (Vertical)
Wild Andy Irvine, Donal Lunny, Paddy Glackin, Mick McGoldrick, John Doyle from Usher's Island (Vertical)
As the Crow Liz Carroll and Jake Charron from Half Day Road (
Song for the Hanz Araki from At Our Next Meeting (Little Sea)
Both Sides Garadice from Garadice (garadicemusic.con)
[ID break] Port Altan from The Gap of Dreams (Compass) Eabhal from This is How the Ladies Dance (
The Rambling Dervish from The Great Irish Songbook (Rounder)
Johnny Has Gone For a Suzy Bogguss from American Folk Songbook (Loyal Dutchess)
Looking At A Rachel Hair from Sparks (March Hair)
Shady Suzy Bogguss from American Folk Songbook (Loyal Dutchess)
Turquoise Girl/The Tree Climber/Twelve Weeks and a Day/Rounding Malin Flook from Ancora (Flatfish)

Song Journeys: Peggy Seeger and Alan Reid

Week 39 Sept 26, 2019 (#1896)
Recorded live at the Birnam Book Festival, American folksinger, songwriter and activist Peggy Seeger is joined by Scots singer and songwriter Alan Reid, with host Fiona Ritchie, to explore the transatlantic travels of songs.
Roving Peggy Seeger from Bring Me Home (Appleseed Recordings)
The Road of Alan Reid - live performance at Birnam Book Festival
Mary Parker's Peggy Seeger - live performance at Birnam Book Festival
It Was A' For Our Rightful Alan Reid - live performance at Birnam Book Festival
Weevily Peggy Seeger - live performance at Birnam Book Festival
ID excerpt: Sally Peggy Seeger from Peggy Seeger Live (Appleseed Recordings)
The Gypsy Alan Reid - live performance at Birnam Book Festival
The Hippies and the Beatniks Peggy Seeger - live performance at Birnam Book Festival
Lichtbob's Alan Reid - live performance at Birnam Book Festival
Katie Peggy Seeger - live performance at Birnam Book Festival
Goodnight Peggy Seeger with Alan Reid and audience - live performance at Birnam Book Festival
Sourwood Peggy Seeger from Peggy Seeger Live (Appleseed Recordings)

[photo credit: Alice Hadden]

ThistleRadio New

Week 38 Sept 19, 2019 (#1895)
When the Celtic rhythms go quiet on your radio, you can always stream great songs and tunes through the night and day on ThistleRadio. Enjoy some of the latest additions to the 1,000+ tracks.
Head and Luka Bloom from Head & Heart (Big Sky Records)
Sprig of Heidi Talbot and John McCusker from Love is the Bridge Between Two Hearts (Under One Sky Records) Barry Nisbet from A Bright Ray of Sunshine (Barry Nisbet) Elephant Sessions from The Musicians' Nest (Lews Castle College) Low Lily from 10,000 Days Like These (Mad River Records)
Weevily The Unwanted from Pay Day (Whirling Discs)
Sweet The Unwanted from from Pay Day (Whirling Discs)
[ID break] Alia Star Daygan from Musician Magician Music Magick (OSMO)
Beth Mawr Ydi Calan from Deg | 10 (Sain)
New Calan from Deg | 10 (Sain)
Banks of the Luka Bloom from Head & Heart (Big Sky)
Trouble in Underhill Rose from Underhill Rose Live (
Fair and Tender Betse & Clarke from River Still Rise (
Arkansas Betse & Clarke from River Still Rise (
Deio I Calan from Deg | 10 (Sain)

Len Graham

Week 37 Sept 12, 2019 (#1894)
Meet Len Graham, the legendary singer and songwriter from Northern Ireland who carries an equal number of songs and stories in his heart.
Seventeen Come Len Graham with Skylark from Raining Bicycles (Claddagh)
Here I am Amongst Len Graham performed live at Traditional Song Week, Swannanoa Gathering
Oh Solider, Len Graham performed live at Traditional Song Week, Swannanoa Gathering
Now Westlin Len Graham performed live at Traditional Song Week, Swannanoa Gathering
[ID Excerpt] Miss Johnston' Len Graham and Brían Ó hAirt from In Two Minds (
The Grey Len Graham performed live at Traditional Song Week, Swannanoa Gathering
The Rambling Len Graham performed live at Traditional Song, Week Swannanoa Gathering
As I Roved Len Graham performed live at Traditional Song Week, Swannanoa Gathering
The Parting Len Graham performed live at Traditional Song Week, Swannanoa Gathering
The Frost is All Len Graham and Brían Ó hAirt from In Two Minds (
Micho's Len Graham with Skylark from Raining Bicycles (Claddagh)

The Lost Songs of St Kilda

Week 36 Sept 05, 2019 (#1893)
Hear the haunting melodies from St. Kilda that offer a last link to the "island on the edge of the world," featuring arrangements by composers including Sir James MacMillan with singer Julie Fowlis and additional music from Barrule.
Hirta… from The Lost Songs of St. Kilda (Decca)
Soay...from The Lost Songs of St. Kilda (Decca)
Boreray...from The Lost Songs of St. Kilda (Decca)
Soay...(arr. Rebecca Dale) from The Lost Songs of St. Kilda (Decca)
Danses Jeremiah McLane and Timothy Cummings from The Wind Among the Reeds ( )
Laride 6 Jeremiah McLane and Timothy Cummings from The Wind Among the Reeds ( )
Stac Lee...from The Lost Songs of St. Kilda (Decca)
Levenish...from The Lost Songs of St. Kilda (Decca)
Stac Lee - Dusk (arr. Craig Armstrong)...from The Lost Songs of St. Kilda (Decca)
[ID excerpt] Stac An Armin..from The Lost Songs of St. Kilda (Decca)
Stac Dona...from The Lost Songs of St. Kilda (Decca)
Stac Dona (arr. Christopher Duncan)...from The Lost Songs of St. Kilda (Decca)
Dùn (arr. Francis Macdonald, Vocals: Julie Fowlis)...from The Lost Songs of St. Kilda (Decca)
The King of the Barrule from Manannan's Cloak (Wardfell Records)
Fir-Hammag Barrule from Manannan's Cloak (Wardfell Records)
Hirta (arr. James MacMillan)..from The Lost Songs of St. Kilda (Decca)