These Are The Hands

Week 47 Nov 21st (#1904)
Internationally acclaimed author Alexander McCall Smith collaborated with award-winning composer James Ross to create These Are The Hands, a song cycle exploring Scotland’s relationship with the sea and the land. They met with Fiona Ritchie to chat about the process of bringing together the lyrics (McCall Smith) and the piano arrangements (Ross), with vocals from singers Michelle Burke and Kathleen MacInnes, and other contributors.

The Waves Bear the Saints…by Alexander McCall Smith and James Ross from These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
You Are Far Away (excerpt)…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Spaghetti Panic Set (excerpt)…by James Ross from James Ross (Greentrax)
Silver Darlings…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
The Vikings Sing Their Tribute…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Miner’s Hymn…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Miner…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
[ID Excerpt] The Hurricane)…by James Ross from James Ross (Greentrax)
The Great Michael…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Built on the Clyde…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Corvette Returning…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Cutty Sark…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)
Forth Bridges…These Are The Hands (Greentrax)