Fresh Summer Sounds

Image: Perthshire Skies (photo by Fiona Ritchie)

Week 24 (#2090)
This week we listen to some new music emerging in time for Summer.

If It Plays…by Diamh from Sula (Goat Island Music)
Verticulos…by James Kerry from Source (
The Flower of Magherally…by Dylan Pearse from Songs From the North Country (
Chaid Mis’ a dh’Eubhal Imprig…by Diamh from Sula (Goat Island Music)
Miss MacGregor’s Traditional Jigs…by Diamh from Sula (Goat Island Music)
Tha Ghaoth an Iar a’Gobachadh…by Diamh from Sula (Goat Island Music)
[ID excerpt] Blue Eyed Stranger…by James Kerry from Source (
Flit Friday/St. Brandane’s Day Fair/The Summer Term/Sobrach…by Gavin Marwick and Wendy Stewart from Quarterdays: Whitsun (
Dolly MacDonough…by Simon Mayor from Carolan (Acoustics)
Carolan’s Concerto…by Simon Mayor from Carolan (Acoustics)
Gallowa Hills…by Jo Miller from A’ the Way to Galloway (Jo Miller)
Altsasaig…by Diamh from Sula (Goat Island Music)
Laoidh Fhearchair Eòghainn…by Diamh from Sula (Goat Island Music)
PUFF PUFF…by Diamh from Sula (Goat Island Music)